Infinite Descent
6 minutos de lectura
Se nos proporciona un código en Python que implementa RSA de forma extraña (
#!/usr/bin/env python
# filename:
# version: 0.06.2-alpha
# release date: 20170806
# dev: Cayce Pollard
# qa: NOT PASSED, open defects.
# finds a specified length prime, then a neighbouring prime for speed.
# ID[243], category A4, owner: CayceP, comment: may have to be run several times to generate valid RSA values
# ID[552], category A9, owner: AppSec, comment: Do neighbouring primes present a security risk?
from Crypto.Util import number
from Crypto.PublicKey.RSA import construct
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
import sympy
def egcd(a, b):
if a == 0:
return (b, 0, 1)
g, x, y = egcd(b % a, a)
return (g, y - (b // a) * x, x)
def getPQ():
n_length =512 #generates a 1024 bit key.
while True:
firstprime = number.getPrime(n_length) #let's get our first number
lowerp = firstprime - 10
upperp = firstprime + 10
for x in range(lowerp,upperp): #getPrime takes too long so we'll find a nearby prime for q
if x == firstprime:
if sympy.isprime(x):
secondprime = x
return firstprime, secondprime
return 1, 1
e = 65537
while True:
p, q = getPQ()
if p == 1:
print("still trying")
n = p*q #we make our modulus
phi = (p-1)*(q-1) #this one is for making the private key
gcd, d, b = egcd(e, phi) #now we have all our RSA values.
key_params = (long(n), long(e), long(d))
key = RSA.construct(key_params)
print key.exportKey()
print key.publickey().exportKey()
#keep the pre-shared key below 100 bytes.
message = #put the message here.
#message = [ord(c) for c in message] #comment out if message is int.
#message = int(''.join(map(str,message)))
print ('message: ', message)
RSAsecret = key.encrypt(int(message),'') #check the encryption works
print ('RSAsecret: ', RSAsecret) #send this to the recipient
print ('message: ', message) #don't send this you idiot.
print ('Secret check:', key.decrypt(RSAsecret)) #check the message matches the decrypted message/
También tenemos el código que genera una clave de 128 bits (16 bytes) para AES (
#!/usr/bin/env python
# filename:
# version: 0.11.7-alpha
# release date: 20170801
# dev: Cayce Pollard
# qa: Jonathan Norrell
# instantiate mersenne each time, feed it every 3 digits of the shared secret
# to establish a shared AES128 key.
#textbook mersenne twister from (no rolling your own!)
class mersenne(object):
def __init__(self, seed):
# Initialize the index to 0
self.index = 624 = [0] * 624[0] = seed # Initialize the initial state to the seed
for i in range(1, 624):
initval = int(0xFFFFFFFF & (1812433253 * ([i - 1] ^[i - 1] >> 30) + i))
# print(initval)[i] = initval
def extract_number(self):
if self.index >= 624:
y =[self.index]
# Right shift by 11 bits
y = y ^ y >> 11
# Shift y left by 7 and take the bitwise and of 2636928640
y = y ^ y << 7 & 2636928640
# Shift y left by 15 and take the bitwise and of y and 4022730752
y = y ^ y << 15 & 4022730752
# Right shift by 18 bits
y = y ^ y >> 18
self.index = self.index + 1
return int(0xFFFFFFFF & y)
def twist(self):
for i in range(624):
# Get the most significant bit and add it to the less significant
# bits of the next number
y = int(0xFFFFFFFF & (([i] & 0x80000000) + ([(i + 1) % 624] & 0x7fffffff)))[i] =[(i + 397) % 624] ^ y >> 1
if y % 2 != 0:[i] =[i] ^ 0x9908b0df
self.index = 0
#test tool:
#use this to convert a triplet from the decoded value as seedval
#do this across each of the values to check the candidate against the AESkey.
def gen_and_check(genseed):
# make an object
x = mersenne(genseed)
y = (x.extract_number() & 0xFF) #only interested in LSBs. Use the mask as we don't care about the rest
return y #candidate for comparison.
list = str(bin(gen_and_check(seedval)))
candidate = list[2::]
candidate = candidate.zfill(8)
Hay un email en el que entendemos el propósito de los scripts anteriores, además de ver la clave pública de RSA y el texto cifrado:
From: CayceP <cayce.pollard@>
Sent: 11 August 2017 18:15
To: Deschain, Roland
Subject: Progress update
Hi Rolly,
Just a quick update. We've addressed your issues with the numpy PSNG by ditching it and created a mersenne twister from scratch.
This will be used as the pre-secret from the RSA exchange for bootstrapping the AES comms.
We have some problems with the RSA generator that we're ironing out. Security have some questions around the
way primes are chosen but I think they're just getting in the way. To prove it's working just fine I've sent your
private key through secure comms and your public key is below with the message; we've also used this to encrypt a pre-shared
secret. Can you decrypt with your private key and check the pre-shared key works with the twister?
Have a good weekend,
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END MESSAGE-----
El criptosistema RSA es vulnerable por la manera de obtener $n = p \cdot q$, ya que ambos números primos son muy cercanos:
def getPQ():
n_length =512 #generates a 1024 bit key.
while True:
firstprime = number.getPrime(n_length) #let's get our first number
lowerp = firstprime - 10
upperp = firstprime + 10
for x in range(lowerp,upperp): #getPrime takes too long so we'll find a nearby prime for q
if x == firstprime:
if sympy.isprime(x):
secondprime = x
return firstprime, secondprime
return 1, 1
e = 65537
while True:
p, q = getPQ()
if p == 1:
print("still trying")
n = p*q #we make our modulus
Por tanto, podemos encontrar $p$ y $q$ tales que están cerca de $\sqrt{n}$ por arriba y por abajo ($q \leq \sqrt{n} \leq p$). Luego, podemos asegurarnos de que $n = p \cdot q$.
La operación de arriba se puede realizar fácilmente en Python:
$ python3 -q
>>> from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
>>> from Crypto.Util.number import isPrime
>>> from gmpy2 import iroot
>>> key = RSA.import_key('''-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
... walARbJxLg6QhyalsGnBx064VFIH9XIKzPK/Dt1RzMO68gy7zLOiyipPtYb2n0M6
... WcdDGgw9J9+xx4HjXZCHx4h4zQhfQeOYymeSPewXJOe+GT31ymz6/Q1Ulyq/jWnD
... XZogxfbXi6bIwuN7AgMBAAE=
... -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
... ''')
>>> key.e
>>> key.n
>>> p = iroot(key.n, 2)[0]
>>> while not isPrime(p):
... p += 1
>>> q = p - 1
>>> while not isPrime(q):
... q -= 1
>>> assert key.n == p * q
Además, también podemos descifrar el texto cifrado:
>>> c = 41296290787170212566581926747559000694979534392034439796933335542554551981322424774631715454669002723657175134418412556653226439790475349107756702973735895193117931356004359775501074138668004417061809481535231402802835349794859992556874148430578703014721700812262863679987426564893631600671862958451813895661
>>> phi_n = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
>>> d = pow(key.e, -1, phi_n)
>>> m = pow(c, d, key.n)
>>> hex(m)
>>> bytes.fromhex(hex(m)[2:])
>>> len(bytes.fromhex(hex(m)[2:]))
El resultado que obtenemos es la semilla para
, que es una implementación del PRNG Mersenne Twister personalizada. La cabecera del script dice que hay que usar la semilla como número decimal dividido en números de tres cifras. Entonces, necesitamos lo siguiente:
m_str = str(m)
m_numbers = [int(m_str[i:i+3]) for i in range(0, len(m_str), 3)]
flag = ''
for m_n in m_numbers:
list = str(bin(gen_and_check(m_n)))
candidate = list[2::]
candidate = candidate.zfill(8)
flag += chr(int(candidate, 2))
Y con esto, conseguimos una cadena codificada en Base64:
$ python3
$ python3 | base64 -d
Y la flag es HTB{Brok3n_G4me}
El script completo se puede encontrar aquí: