Model E1337 v2 - Hardened Rolling Code Lock
4 minutes to read
This challenge is extremely related to Model E1337 - Rolling Code Lock, specially for the cryptanalysis part. Go and check it if you have not done yet.
As in the previous challenge, we have a simple website that requests a code to unlock:
We can put any number we want and we see it is incorrect:
The difference with the first challenge is the length of the number, this time it is 64-bit long.
We should have the Python source code in order to perform the cryptanalysis process. If we remember, there was a Python script called
(for Random Number Generator) in the previous challenge. We can try to access it from the web server, and here we have it:
$ curl
import random
def setup(seed):
global state
state = 0
for i in range(16):
cur = seed & 3
seed >>= 2
state = (state << 4) | ((state & 3) ^ cur)
state |= cur << 2
def next(bits):
global state
ret = 0
for _ in range(bits):
ret <<= 1
ret |= state & 1
for _ in range(3):
state = (state << 1) ^ (state >> 61)
for j in range(0, 64, 4):
cur = (state >> j) & 0xF
cur = (cur >> 3) | ((cur >> 2) & 2) | ((cur << 3) & 8) | ((cur << 2) & 4)
state ^= cur << j
return ret
setup((random.randrange(0x10000) << 48) | (random.randrange(0x10000) << 32) | (random.randrange(0x10000) << 16) | random.randrange(0x10000))
It is pretty similar to the one on the first challenge. The differences are:
- The
is now 64-bit long - The computation of the
for each iteration ofnext
is performed three times - There are 64 iterations inside
, becauseret
is a 64-bit number
The resolution of the challenge follows the same idea that the previous one. We need to compute every state
using matrix state
, that will be appended to ret
ret = 0
for _ in range(64):
ret <<= 1
ret |= state & 1
for _ in range(3):
# Changes in state
This time, we will need
For this challenge, we only need one incorrect code (actually, the 48 most significant bits). We will solve a similar system of equations, something like this:
Where state
we need and ret
). The first 16 equations are equal to the ones on the previous challenge: for every quartet, the first and last bits are the same. The following 48 equations contain the last row of matrices
To solve the system, we use again Gauss Elimination over Galois Field of 2-dimension
I used again a Python script to solve this challenge. It is pretty similar to the one shown and explained before. Matrix state
is computed three times within an iteration of next
state_mat_initial = [...]
ret_mat = []
for i in range(16):
ret_mat.append(list(map(int, list(f'{9 << (4 * i):064b}'))))
state_mat = [[int(i == j) for j in range(64)] for i in range(64)]
for _ in range(48):
state_mat = multiply_matrix(state_mat, state_mat_initial)
state_mat = multiply_matrix(state_mat, state_mat_initial)
state_mat = multiply_matrix(state_mat, state_mat_initial)
And the main
function only takes one code, because it is enough information to extract the state
def main():
global state
code1 = get_code()
codes = ('0' * 16 + f'{code1:064b}')[:64]
codes_vector = list(map(int, list(codes)))
comp_state = gauss_elim(ret_mat, codes_vector)
state = int(''.join(map(str, comp_state)), 2)
code2 = next(64)
r ='{url}/unlock', {'code': code2})
Also notice that we are calling next(64)
because now ret
has 64 bits.
Finally, if we run the script, we get the flag:
$ python3
Unlocked successfully. Flag: ^FLAG^xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx$FLAG$