15 minutes to read
We are provided with the server source code in Python:
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes, GCD
from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import hashlib
import random
import socketserver
import signal
from secret import FLAG
LOGO = ("""
class Handler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
def handle(self):
class ReusableTCPServer(socketserver.ForkingMixIn, socketserver.TCPServer):
def sendMessage(s, msg):
def receiveMessage(s, msg):
sendMessage(s, msg)
return s.recv(4096).decode().strip()
def bytes_to_bits(input):
return ''.join(format(i, '08b') for i in input)
class DisruptionSpell(object):
def __init__(self, n):
self.n = n
def spawnScroll(self):
intList = []
intList.append(random.randint(1, self.n))
sum = intList[0]
for i in range(1, self.n):
intList.append(random.randint(sum + 1, (sum + i) * 2))
sum = sum + intList[i]
x1 = random.randint(sum + 1, sum * 2)
while True:
x2 = random.randint(1, x1)
if GCD(x2, x1) == 1:
scrollOfWorthiness = []
for i in range(self.n):
scrollOfWorthiness.append(x2 * intList[i] % x1)
return scrollOfWorthiness
def disrupt(self, scrollOfWorthiness, flag_bits):
disruptedFlag = 0
for i in range(len(flag_bits)):
if int(flag_bits[i]) != 0: disruptedFlag += scrollOfWorthiness[i]
return long_to_bytes(disruptedFlag).hex()
class Wizard:
def __init__(self):
self.magicka = 108314726549199134030277012155370097074
self.armor = 31157724864730593494380966212158801467
self.stamina = 32
self.critChance = random.randint(1337, self.magicka - 1)
self.spell = random.randint(1337, self.magicka - 1)
def attack(self):
self.spell = (self.armor * self.spell + self.critChance) % self.magicka
spellAttack = self.spell >> (self.magicka.bit_length() - self.stamina)
return spellAttack
def dontAcceptDefeat(self, playerHealth, flag):
flag = flag.lstrip('HTB{').rstrip('}')
flag_bits = bytes_to_bits(flag.encode())
distruptionSpell = DisruptionSpell(len(flag_bits))
scrollOfWorthiness = distruptionSpell.spawnScroll()
disruptedFlag = distruptionSpell.disrupt(scrollOfWorthiness, flag_bits)
for _ in range(playerHealth):
self.spell = (self.armor * self.spell +
self.critChance) % self.magicka
finalSpellIngredient = str(self.spell >> (self.magicka.bit_length() -
finalSpellIngredient = hashlib.md5(finalSpellIngredient).digest()
finalSpell = AES.new(finalSpellIngredient, AES.MODE_CBC)
disruptedFlag = finalSpell.encrypt(
pad("You're a wizard Harry, ".encode() + disruptedFlag.encode(),
return disruptedFlag, scrollOfWorthiness
def main(s):
encryptionWizard = Wizard()
playerHealth = 100
wizardHealth = 200
sendMessage(s, LOGO)
sendMessage(s, " * The Basilisk is approaching... *\n")
sendMessage(s, " - You think you're a wizard?")
while playerHealth > 0 and wizardHealth > 0:
block = receiveMessage(s, "\n > ")
spellAttack = encryptionWizard.attack()
if int(block) != spellAttack:
playerHealth -= 1
sendMessage(s, " - This is too easy...\n")
sendMessage(s, str(spellAttack))
wizardHealth -= 1
sendMessage(s, " - You won't be so lucky next time!\n")
if playerHealth <= 0:
sendMessage(s, " - You can't even save your self!\n")
disruptedFlag, scrollOfWorthiness = encryptionWizard.dontAcceptDefeat(
playerHealth, FLAG)
scrollOfWorthinessSize = len(scrollOfWorthiness)
sendMessage(s, f"\n {str(scrollOfWorthinessSize)}\n")
for i in scrollOfWorthiness:
sendMessage(s, f"{str(i)}\n")
sendMessage(s, f"{disruptedFlag}\n")
sendMessage(s, "Unexpected error occured.\n")
if __name__ == '__main__':
socketserver.TCPServer.allow_reuse_address = True
server = ReusableTCPServer(("", 1337), Handler)
The server simulates a game where we (as players) need to guess the number the wizard has generated. If our guess is correct, the wizard loses one health point; otherwise, we lose one health point:
$ nc 31839
* The Basilisk is approaching... *
- You think you're a wizard?
> 1234
- This is too easy...
> 1337
- This is too easy...
Source code analysis
The guessing game is implemented in this while
while playerHealth > 0 and wizardHealth > 0:
block = receiveMessage(s, "\n > ")
spellAttack = encryptionWizard.attack()
if int(block) != spellAttack:
playerHealth -= 1
sendMessage(s, " - This is too easy...\n")
sendMessage(s, str(spellAttack))
wizardHealth -= 1
sendMessage(s, " - You won't be so lucky next time!\n")
And encryptionWizard.attack()
is this method:
def attack(self):
self.spell = (self.armor * self.spell + self.critChance) % self.magicka
spellAttack = self.spell >> (self.magicka.bit_length() - self.stamina)
return spellAttack
The above expression is a Linear Congruential Generator (LCG):
$$ s_{i + 1} = a \cdot s_i + c \mod{m} $$
However, the outputs $s_i$ are truncated. In the above expression, we already know $a$ (self.armor
) and $m$ (self.magicka
). These are the values:
def __init__(self):
self.magicka = 108314726549199134030277012155370097074
self.armor = 31157724864730593494380966212158801467
self.stamina = 32
self.critChance = random.randint(1337, self.magicka - 1)
self.spell = random.randint(1337, self.magicka - 1)
So, the problem here is that we are not given the outputs $s_i$ but the 32 most significant bits (self.stamina = 32
). Let $z_i$ be the most significant bits of $s_i$.
I found an excellent write-up from DownUnder CTF 2020 that involves a truncated LCG, but it is not exact for this challenge. However, it is a nice resource to learn more about LCG and lattice-based cryptanalysis.
Hidden Number Problem
Reading the code from crypto-attacks on truncated LCG, there is a function that tries to recover the LCG parameters from the outputs. Luckily, we already have $m$ and $a$, so we would like to find $c$ and $s_0$ (the initial seed).
It is extremely hard to find the exact values of $c$ and $s_0$, but notice that we are only interested in the most significant bits of $s_i$ to win the guessing game. So maybe, there is a way to find some values that give the expected results in the majority of rounds.
The code in crypto-attacks uses a lattice to find a solution to the Hidden Number Problem (but with two hidden numbers). This problem is usually stated as $x_i = \alpha_i \cdot y - \beta_i \pmod{m}$, where $y$ is the hidden number. This time, we can adapt it to $x_i = \alpha_{ij} \cdot y_j + \beta_i \pmod{m}$, where we are interested in $y_j$.
Let’s assume that we are taking 10 outputs from the game. So, let $y_j = \begin{pmatrix} s_0 \\ c \end{pmatrix}$. Let $\alpha_{ij}$ be:
$$ \alpha_{ij} = \begin{pmatrix} a & 1 \\ a^2 & a + 1 \\ a^3 & a^2 + a + 1 \\ a^4 & a^3 + a^2 + a + 1 \\ a^5 & a^4 + a^3 + a^2 + a + 1 \\ a^6 & a^5 + a^4 + a^3 + a^2 + a + 1 \\ a^7 & a^6 + a^5 + a^4 + a^3 + a^2 + a + 1 \\ a^8 & a^7 + a^6 + a^5 + a^4 + a^3 + a^2 + a + 1 \\ a^9 & a^8 + a^7 + a^6 + a^5 + a^4 + a^3 + a^2 + a + 1 \\ a^{10} & a^9 + a^8 + a^7 + a^6 + a^5 + a^4 + a^3 + a^2 + a + 1 \\ \end{pmatrix} $$
And let $\beta_i$ be:
$$ \beta_i = - \begin{pmatrix} X \, z_1 \\ X \, z_2 \\ X \, z_3 \\ X \, z_4 \\ X \, z_5 \\ X \, z_6 \\ X \, z_7 \\ X \, z_8 \\ X \, z_9 \\ X \, z_{10} \\ \end{pmatrix} $$
Where $X$ is an upper-bound for $x_i$. For instance, $2^{L - s}$, where $L - s$ is the amount of bits hidden to us ($L$ is the bit-length of $m$ and $s = 32$).
$$ x_i = \alpha_{ij} \cdot y_j + \beta_i = $$
$$ \begin{pmatrix} a & 1 \\ a^2 & a + 1 \\ a^3 & a^2 + a + 1 \\ a^4 & a^3 + a^2 + a + 1 \\ a^5 & a^4 + a^3 + a^2 + a + 1 \\ a^6 & a^5 + a^4 + a^3 + a^2 + a + 1 \\ a^7 & a^6 + a^5 + a^4 + a^3 + a^2 + a + 1 \\ a^8 & a^7 + a^6 + a^5 + a^4 + a^3 + a^2 + a + 1 \\ a^9 & a^8 + a^7 + a^6 + a^5 + a^4 + a^3 + a^2 + a + 1 \\ a^{10} & a^9 + a^8 + a^7 + a^6 + a^5 + a^4 + a^3 + a^2 + a + 1 \\ \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} s_0 \\ c \end{pmatrix} - \begin{pmatrix} X \, z_1 \\ X \, z_2 \\ X \, z_3 \\ X \, z_4 \\ X \, z_5 \\ X \, z_6 \\ X \, z_7 \\ X \, z_8 \\ X \, z_9 \\ X \, z_{10} \\ \end{pmatrix} $$
If we operate the above matrices, we have this vector:
$$ \begin{pmatrix} a s_0 + c - X \, z_1 \\ a^2 s_0 + (a + 1) c - X \, z_2 \\ a^3 s_0 + (a^2 + a + 1) c - X \, z_3 \\ a^4 s_0 + (a^3 + a^2 + a + 1) c - X \, z_4 \\ a^5 s_0 + (a^4 + a^3 + a^2 + a + 1) c - X \, z_5 \\ a^6 s_0 + (a^5 + a^4 + a^3 + a^2 + a + 1) c - X \, z_6 \\ a^7 s_0 + (a^6 + a^5 + a^4 + a^3 + a^2 + a + 1) c - X \, z_7 \\ a^8 s_0 + (a^7 + a^6 + a^5 + a^4 + a^3 + a^2 + a + 1) c - X \, z_8 \\ a^9 s_0 + (a^8 + a^7 + a^6 + a^5 + a^4 + a^3 + a^2 + a + 1) c - X \, z_9 \\ a^{10} s_0 + (a^9 + a^8 + a^7 + a^6 + a^5 + a^4 + a^3 + a^2 + a + 1) c - X \, z_{10} \\ \end{pmatrix} $$
And simplifying a bit more, we have the following:
$$ x_i = \alpha_{ij} \cdot y_j + \beta_i = \begin{pmatrix} a s_0 + c - X \, z_1 \\ a s_1 + c - X \, z_2 \\ a s_2 + c - X \, z_3 \\ a s_3 + c - X \, z_4 \\ a s_4 + c - X \, z_5 \\ a s_5 + c - X \, z_6 \\ a s_6 + c - X \, z_7 \\ a s_7 + c - X \, z_8 \\ a s_8 + c - X \, z_9 \\ a s_9 + c - X \, z_{10} \\ \end{pmatrix} $$
Summarizing, if we are able to solve the Hidden Number Problem, we will find $x_i$ (which are the hidden bits of $s_i$) and $y_j$ (the initial seed $s_0$ and the increment $c$).
The attack works by defining a lattice spanned by the columns of
$$ \begin{pmatrix} m & & & & & & & & & & \alpha_{1,1} & \alpha_{1,2} & \beta_1 - \frac{X}{2} \\ & m & & & & & & & & & \alpha_{2,1} & \alpha_{2,2} & \beta_2 - \frac{X}{2} \\ & & m & & & & & & & & \alpha_{3,1} & \alpha_{3,2} & \beta_3 - \frac{X}{2} \\ & & & m & & & & & & & \alpha_{4,1} & \alpha_{4,2} & \beta_4 - \frac{X}{2} \\ & & & & m & & & & & & \alpha_{5,1} & \alpha_{5,2} & \beta_5 - \frac{X}{2} \\ & & & & & m & & & & & \alpha_{6,1} & \alpha_{6,2} & \beta_6 - \frac{X}{2} \\ & & & & & & m & & & & \alpha_{7,1} & \alpha_{7,2} & \beta_7 - \frac{X}{2} \\ & & & & & & & m & & & \alpha_{8,1} & \alpha_{8,2} & \beta_8 - \frac{X}{2} \\ & & & & & & & & m & & \alpha_{9,1} & \alpha_{9,2} & \beta_9 - \frac{X}{2} \\ & & & & & & & & & m & \alpha_{10,1} & \alpha_{10,2} & \beta_{10} - \frac{X}{2} \\ & & & & & & & & & & \frac{X}{m} & & \\ & & & & & & & & & & & \frac{X}{m} & \\ & & & & & & & & & & & & X \\ \end{pmatrix} $$
Notice that the vector $\left(x_1 - \frac{X}{2}, \dots, x_{10} - \frac{X}{2}, s_0 \frac{X}{m}, c \frac{X}{m}, X\right)$ is in the lattice. Since it can be considered a short vector, we can use LLL to reduce the basis and see if it is within the new basis. Then, we will take the positions that correspond to $y_1$ and $y_2$, which are the ones that are useful for the challenge.
For more information, you can read this paper and the code in crypto-attacks.
This is the implementation of this part of the challenge:
def do_round(io, guess=1337):
io.sendlineafter(b'> ', str(guess).encode())
if (r := io.recvline().decode()) != '\n':
return int(r)
def hidden_number_problem(a, b, m, X):
n1 = len(a)
n2 = len(a[0])
B = matrix(QQ, n1 + n2 + 1, n1 + n2 + 1)
for i in range(n1):
for j in range(n2):
B[n1 + j, i] = a[i][j]
B[i, i] = m
B[n1 + n2, i] = b[i] - X // 2
for j in range(n2):
B[n1 + j, n1 + j] = X / QQ(m)
B[n1 + n2, n1 + n2] = X
B = B.LLL()
for v in B.rows():
xs = [int(v[i] + X // 2) for i in range(n1)]
ys = [(int(v[n1 + j] * m) // X) % m for j in range(n2)]
if all(y != 0 for y in ys) and v[n1 + n2] == X:
return xs, ys
def crack_tlcg(yj, k, s, m, a):
X = 2 ** (k - s)
alpha = [[a, 1]]
beta = [-X * y for y in yj]
while len(alpha) < len(beta):
alpha.append([alpha[-1][0] * a % m, (alpha[-1][1] * a + 1) % m])
_, (s0, c) = hidden_number_problem(alpha, beta, m, X)
return m, a, c, s0
class LCG:
def __init__(self, m, a, s, c, s0):
self.m = m
self.a = a
self.s = s
self.c = c
self.k = int(m).bit_length()
self.state = s0
def next(self):
self.state = (self.a * self.state + self.c) % self.m
return self.state >> (self.k - self.s)
def main():
io = get_process()
M, a = 108314726549199134030277012155370097074, 31157724864730593494380966212158801467
k = int(M).bit_length()
s = 32
Y = [do_round(io) for _ in range(10)]
_, _, c, s0 = crack_tlcg(Y, k, s, M, a)
lcg = LCG(M, a, s, c, s0)
for y in Y:
assert y == lcg.next()
except AssertionError:
log.warning('LCG failed. Trying again...')
log.success('LCG cracked')
player_health, wizard_health = 90, 200
prog = log.progress('Health')
while wizard_health:
prog.status(f'Player: {player_health} | Wizard {wizard_health}')
if do_round(io, lcg.next()) is None:
wizard_health -= 1
player_health -= 1
prog.success(f'Player: {player_health} | Wizard {wizard_health}')
Notice how we use 10 rounds to get the truncated LCG outputs and then make sure that the LCG parameters work. Otherwise, we start again.
Knapsack problem
When the wizard loses the game, he refuses to lose and encrypts the flag using AES. The key for this cipher is taken from the LCG doing the same amount of rounds as the player’s health points:
def dontAcceptDefeat(self, playerHealth, flag):
flag = flag.lstrip('HTB{').rstrip('}')
flag_bits = bytes_to_bits(flag.encode())
distruptionSpell = DisruptionSpell(len(flag_bits))
scrollOfWorthiness = distruptionSpell.spawnScroll()
disruptedFlag = distruptionSpell.disrupt(scrollOfWorthiness, flag_bits)
for _ in range(playerHealth):
self.spell = (self.armor * self.spell +
self.critChance) % self.magicka
finalSpellIngredient = str(self.spell >> (self.magicka.bit_length() -
finalSpellIngredient = hashlib.md5(finalSpellIngredient).digest()
finalSpell = AES.new(finalSpellIngredient, AES.MODE_CBC)
disruptedFlag = finalSpell.encrypt(
pad("You're a wizard Harry, ".encode() + disruptedFlag.encode(),
return disruptedFlag, scrollOfWorthiness
Since we have already cracked the LCG, we can find that key easily:
for _ in range(player_health - 1):
key = md5(str(lcg.next()).encode()).digest()
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC)
The wizard uses AES to encrypt this message: You're a wizard Harry, <enc_flag>
. The mode of operation is AES CBC, with an unknown IV. However, this is not a problem, since only the first block will not decrypt correctly. The rest of the blocks will be correct:
message = unpad(cipher.decrypt(enc_message), AES.block_size)
except ValueError:
log.warning('Padding error. Trying again...')
log.info(f'Encrypted message: {message}')
enc_flag = int(message.split(b'Harry, ')[1].decode(), 16)
We care about the number at <enc_flag>
, which is the result of a knapsack encryption:
def disrupt(self, scrollOfWorthiness, flag_bits):
disruptedFlag = 0
for i in range(len(flag_bits)):
if int(flag_bits[i]) != 0: disruptedFlag += scrollOfWorthiness[i]
return long_to_bytes(disruptedFlag).hex()
Particularly, it uses a Merkle-Hellman knapsack cryptosystem. Basically, it takes the object to be encrypted in binary format, multiplies each bit by the corresponding index of the public key and sums all the intermediate results (which are 32 numbers). Let $u_n$ be a sequence of $0$ and $1$ such that $m = \displaystyle\sum_{i = 0}^{31} u_i \cdot 2^i$, where $m$ is the plaintext number to be encrypted. Then, the encrypted number $b$ is
$$ b = \sum_{i = 0}^{31} a_i \cdot u_i $$
Where $a_i$ is the public key configured by the server.
Before sending the AES-encrypted message, we are given the knapsack’s public key and the length of the flag in bits:
disruptedFlag, scrollOfWorthiness = encryptionWizard.dontAcceptDefeat(
playerHealth, FLAG)
scrollOfWorthinessSize = len(scrollOfWorthiness)
sendMessage(s, f"\n {str(scrollOfWorthinessSize)}\n")
for i in scrollOfWorthiness:
sendMessage(s, f"{str(i)}\n")
sendMessage(s, f"{disruptedFlag}\n")
We will take all the parameters with this piece of code using a little trick:
length = int(io.recvline().decode())
log.info(f'Flag length: {length // 8}')
public_key = []
for i in range(length):
if i % 8:
enc_message = bytes.fromhex(io.recvline().decode())
Since the encrypted object is the flag, all characters are valid ASCII codes (less than 0x7f
). Hence, the bits at index multiple of 8 will always be 0
(that’s why we omit adding those public key indices to the list).
At this point, we will solve the knapsack problem using a lattice-based attack with LLL (for more information on this technique, take a look at Infinite Knapsack):
def knapsack(a_i: List[int], b: int) -> int:
M = matrix(ZZ, len(a_i) + 1, len(a_i) + 1)
for i, a in enumerate(a_i):
M[i, i] = 1
M[i, -1] = a
M[-1, -1] = -b
B = M.LLL()
for u_i in B.rows():
if all(u in {0, 1} for u in u_i[:-1]) and b == sum(a * u for a, u in zip(a_i, u_i)):
return u_i[:-1]
def bin2dec(b: List[int]) -> int:
return int(''.join(map(str, b)), 2)
And once we get all the bits, we need to add the leading 0
that we skipped before:
if (r := knapsack(public_key, enc_flag)):
flag = [bin2dec([0, *r[i : i + 7]]) for i in range(0, len(r), 7)]
log.success('HTB{' + ''.join(map(chr, flag)) + '}')
log.warning('Knapsack failed. Trying again...')
Now we can join all parts and hope that the attack is successful:
$ python3 solve.py
[+] Opening connection to on port 30535: Done
[+] LCG cracked
[+] Health: Player: 74 | Wizard 0
[*] Flag length: 36
[*] Closed connection to port 30535
[!] Padding error. Trying again...
[+] Opening connection to on port 30535: Done
[+] LCG cracked
[+] Health: Player: 59 | Wizard 0
[*] Flag length: 36
[*] Closed connection to port 30535
[*] Encrypted message: b'\xe9\xcb=\x81+&\x1c\x7f\x17\rS\x84\xd2\xec\x90\xbdHarry, 531241055385a8abb32946e08f3b84a8f891fe86d22d03d540cd0028b6ad738f3b802d05dc5eff2c6ddcb71bfdfa5216af'
[!] Knapsack failed. Trying again...
[+] Opening connection to on port 30535: Done
[+] LCG cracked
[+] Health: Player: 74 | Wizard 0
[*] Flag length: 36
[*] Closed connection to port 30535
[*] Encrypted message: b'\x07\x98}\x9c*\x1e\x99u\x0f\x07\x8ak\xbe\xa8\xc00Harry, 1600d8f64cd991497e4f47d4a4ab48abf25b04c0fa20be5a5da40ad956b4be17d51b023aabbea7d20ea4a12b73ecbc176f91'
[!] Knapsack failed. Trying again...
[+] Opening connection to on port 30535: Done
[!] LCG failed. Trying again...
[*] Closed connection to port 30535
[+] Opening connection to on port 30535: Done
[+] LCG cracked
[+] Health: Player: 72 | Wizard 0
[*] Flag length: 36
[*] Closed connection to port 30535
[*] Encrypted message: b':(B\x98\xd7\xa8|\xa8,\xb8\x14z\xfe\x07q\x9aHarry, 02a4c39eb0e2eea5e01fc259e630e06377275e81801cc21d8b5b3ab1b35e403eceeb0676a7dd5d9c0a4d7c9bff648beccbd4'
[+] HTB{2_14771c3_ch4113n935_837732_7h4n_0n3}
The full script can be found in here: solve.py