2 minutes to read
We have the Python source code to launch a local instance for the challenge:
$ python3
$ nc 1337
DEBUG MSG - Generating The Global DH Parameters
DEBUG MSG - g = 2, p = 10177459997049772558637057109490700048394574760284564283959324525695097805837401714582821820424475480057537817583807249627119267268524840254542683041588432363128111683358536204391767254517057859973149680238170237977230020947732558089671785239121778309357814575486749623687357688511361367822815452806637006568922401890961240475060822815400430220536180181951862931844638638933951683988349468373510128406899660648258602475728913837826845743111489145006566908004165703542907243208106044538037004824530893555918497937074663828069774495573109072469750423175863678445547058247156187317168731446722852098571735569138516533993
DEBUG MSG - Calculation Complete
DEBUG MSG - Generating The Public Key of CPU...
DEBUG MSG - Calculation Complete
DEBUG MSG - Public Key is: ???
Enter The Public Key of The Memory:
Taking a look at the source code, we see that the program expects a number $M$ from us to generate a shared secret.
It is employing a sort of Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm, but not correctly. In fact, the program asks for a number $M$ so that the shared secret will be $M^c \mod{p}$, where $c$ is an unknown random number and $p$ is a fix modulus that we know from the source code and the debug message above:
shared_secret = pow(M, c, p)
Then, this shared secret is used to decrypt a message from us. If we were able to provide an encrypted message so that it decrypts as "Initialization Sequence - Code 0"
, we will get the flag:
encrypted_sequence = recieveMessage(
s, "Enter The Encrypted Initialization Sequence: ")
encrypted_sequence = bytes.fromhex(encrypted_sequence)
assert len(encrypted_sequence) % 16 == 0
sendMessage(s, DEBUG_MSG + "Unexpected Error Occured\n")
sequence = decrypt(encrypted_sequence, shared_secret)
if sequence == b"Initialization Sequence - Code 0":
sendMessage(s, "\n" + DEBUG_MSG +
"Reseting The Protocol With The New Shared Key\n")
sendMessage(s, DEBUG_MSG + f"{FLAG}")
Recall that the shared secret is computed as $M^c \mod p$, and we control $M$, so if we enter $M = 1$, the shared secret will be just $1$. So we can use the same encryption method to encrypt "Initialization Sequence - Code 0"
and send the ciphertext.
$ python3
[+] Opening connection to on port 31355: Done
DEBUG MSG - HTB{7h15_15_cr3@t3d_by_Danb3er_@nd_h@s_c0pyr1gh7_1aws!_!}
[*] Closed connection to port 31355
The full script can be found in here: