Iced Tea
3 minutes to read
We are given the Python source code that encrypts the flag:
import os
from secret import FLAG
from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad
from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long as b2l, long_to_bytes as l2b
from enum import Enum
class Mode(Enum):
ECB = 0x01
CBC = 0x02
class Cipher:
def __init__(self, key, iv=None):
self.BLOCK_SIZE = 64
self.KEY = [b2l(key[i:i+self.BLOCK_SIZE//16]) for i in range(0, len(key), self.BLOCK_SIZE//16)]
self.DELTA = 0x9e3779b9
self.IV = iv
if self.IV:
self.mode = Mode.CBC
self.mode = Mode.ECB
def _xor(self, a, b):
return b''.join(bytes([_a ^ _b]) for _a, _b in zip(a, b))
def encrypt(self, msg):
msg = pad(msg, self.BLOCK_SIZE//8)
blocks = [msg[i:i+self.BLOCK_SIZE//8] for i in range(0, len(msg), self.BLOCK_SIZE//8)]
ct = b''
if self.mode == Mode.ECB:
for pt in blocks:
ct += self.encrypt_block(pt)
elif self.mode == Mode.CBC:
X = self.IV
for pt in blocks:
enc_block = self.encrypt_block(self._xor(X, pt))
ct += enc_block
X = enc_block
return ct
def encrypt_block(self, msg):
m0 = b2l(msg[:4])
m1 = b2l(msg[4:])
K = self.KEY
msk = (1 << (self.BLOCK_SIZE//2)) - 1
s = 0
for i in range(32):
s += self.DELTA
m0 += ((m1 << 4) + K[0]) ^ (m1 + s) ^ ((m1 >> 5) + K[1])
m0 &= msk
m1 += ((m0 << 4) + K[2]) ^ (m0 + s) ^ ((m0 >> 5) + K[3])
m1 &= msk
m = ((m0 << (self.BLOCK_SIZE//2)) + m1) & ((1 << self.BLOCK_SIZE) - 1) # m = m0 || m1
return l2b(m)
if __name__ == '__main__':
KEY = os.urandom(16)
cipher = Cipher(KEY)
ct = cipher.encrypt(FLAG)
with open('output.txt', 'w') as f:
f.write(f'Key : {KEY.hex()}\nCiphertext : {ct.hex()}')
We also have the output of the script:
Key : e25b3dd8f702879cccaec0280a29c66a
Ciphertext : 0ab76ebf55e0957ccaea74b440cb6f2ccef34969bdb22f87c73391d04dbe7fb272d7a6533a38a943449dda8cdce124be429e34e58847243904e8543ef33141d23da518b6bd1800f2
Source code analysis
The server uses a Cipher
class to encrypt the flag. The server does not explicitly tell what encryption algorithm is using, but it is fairly easy to see that it is Tiny Encryption Algorithm (TEA), which is a symmetric block cipher.
Notice that we are given the encryption key and the ciphertext, so we only need to decrypt it. However, the Cipher
class does not implement decrypt
and decrypt_block
functions, so we will need to implement them.
The decrytion functions are easy to implement, we only need to do the inverse operations of encrypt
and encrypt_block
in reverse order. Otherwise, we can take a look at Wikipedia and translate the reference code in C to Python.
Anyways, these are the necessary functions:
def decrypt(self, msg_ct):
blocks = [msg_ct[i:i+self.BLOCK_SIZE//8] for i in range(0, len(msg_ct), self.BLOCK_SIZE//8)]
pt = b''
if self.mode == Mode.ECB:
for ct in blocks:
pt += self.decrypt_block(ct)
elif self.mode == Mode.CBC:
X = self.IV
for ct in blocks:
dec_block = self._xor(X, self.decrypt_block(ct))
pt += dec_block
X = ct
return unpad(pt, self.BLOCK_SIZE//8)
def decrypt_block(self, m):
m0 = b2l(m[:4])
m1 = b2l(m[4:])
K = self.KEY
msk = 0xffffffff
s = 32 * self.DELTA
for _ in range(32):
m1 -= (((m0 << 4) + K[2]) ^ (m0 + s) ^ ((m0 >> 5) + K[3]))
m1 &= msk
m0 -= (((m1 << 4) + K[0]) ^ (m1 + s) ^ ((m1 >> 5) + K[1]))
m0 &= msk
s -= self.DELTA
msg = ((m0 << 32) + m1) & 0xffffffffffffffff # m = m0 || m1
return l2b(msg)
At this point, we can take the encryption key and the ciphertext from output.txt
and decrypt the flag:
KEY = bytes.fromhex('e25b3dd8f702879cccaec0280a29c66a')
ct = bytes.fromhex('0ab76ebf55e0957ccaea74b440cb6f2ccef34969bdb22f87c73391d04dbe7fb272d7a6533a38a943449dda8cdce124be429e34e58847243904e8543ef33141d23da518b6bd1800f2')
And here’s the flag:
$ python3