Lost Modulus
2 minutes to read
We are given a short Python code to encrypt the flag, and we are given the ciphertext in hexadecimal:
from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime, long_to_bytes, inverse
flag = open('flag.txt', 'r').read().strip().encode()
class RSA:
def __init__(self):
self.p = getPrime(512)
self.q = getPrime(512)
self.e = 3
self.n = self.p * self.q
self.d = inverse(self.e, (self.p-1)*(self.q-1))
def encrypt(self, data: bytes) -> bytes:
pt = int(data.hex(), 16)
ct = pow(pt, self.e, self.n)
return long_to_bytes(ct)
def decrypt(self, data: bytes) -> bytes:
ct = int(data.hex(), 16)
pt = pow(ct, self.d, self.n)
return long_to_bytes(pt)
def main():
crypto = RSA()
print ('Flag:', crypto.encrypt(flag).hex())
if __name__ == '__main__':
Flag: 05c61636499a82088bf4388203a93e67bf046f8c49f62857681ec9aaaa40b4772933e0abc83e938c84ff8e67e5ad85bd6eca167585b0cc03eb1333b1b1462d9d7c25f44e53bcb568f0f05219c0147f7dc3cbad45dec2f34f03bcadcbba866dd0c566035c8122d68255ada7d18954ad604965
Source code analysis
The challenge script is using $e = 3$, which is the exponent used to encrypt the flag. This is how RSA cryptosystem works, where $m$ is the plain text, $c$ is the ciphertext and $n$ is the public modulus:
$$ c = m^e \mod{n} $$
This time we don’t have $n$ (the challenge is called “Lost Modulus”). But since $e = 3$, it is so short that it can be vulnerable to a Cube Root Attack. In fact, if the message $m$ is short enough, then $m^3 = c < n$, so the modulus $n$ does not effect.
If this happens, we can obtain the plaintext using a simple cube root: $m = \sqrt[3]{c}$.
We can do it in SageMathCell or using Python and gmpy2
$ python3 -q
>>> import gmpy2
>>> c = int('05c61636499a82088bf4388203a93e67bf046f8c49f62857681ec9aaaa40b4772933e0abc83e938c84ff8e67e5ad85bd6eca167585b0cc03eb1333b1b1462d9d7c25f44e53bcb568f0f05219c0147f7dc3cbad45dec2f34f03bcadcbba866dd0c566035c8122d68255ada7d18954ad604965', 16)
>>> gmpy2.iroot(c, 3)
(mpz(9208566198168854769137135900129825812636831889153009607082441577495048346488797274341323901), True)
We see that the cube root is exact because the output has a True
at the end.
Now we can parse the number as bytes to get the flag:
>>> bytes.fromhex(hex(9208566198168854769137135900129825812636831889153009607082441577495048346488797274341323901)[2:])