6 minutes to read
We are given the Python source code to encrypt the flag (
from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime, getRandomRange, isPrime, inverse, long_to_bytes, bytes_to_long
from hashlib import sha512
from random import SystemRandom
from FLAG import flag
L = 2048
N = 256
def repeating_xor_key(message, key):
repeation = 1 + (len(message) // len(key))
key = key * repeation
key = key[:len(message)]
msg = bytes([c ^ k for c, k in zip(message, key)])
return msg
def domain_params_generation():
q = getPrime(N)
print(f"[+] q condition is satisfied : {N} bit")
p = 0
while not (isPrime(p) and len(bin(p)[2:]) == L):
factor = getRandomRange(2**(L-N-1), 2**(L-N))
p = factor*q + 1
print(f"[+] p condition is satisfied : {L} bit")
g = 1
while g == 1:
h = getRandomRange(2, p-2)
g = pow(h, factor, p)
print(f"[+] g condition is satisfied ")
return(p, q, g)
def key_generation(p, q, g):
x = getRandomRange(1, q-1)
y = pow(g, x, p)
# print(f"[+] private key : {x}")
print(f"[+] public key : {y}")
return(x, y)
def sign(message, private_key, parameters):
p, q, g = parameters
k = getRandomRange(1, q-1)
r = 0
while r == 0:
r = pow(g, k, p) % q
s = 0
while s == 0:
Hm = int(sha512(message.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), 16)
s = (inverse(k, q) * (Hm + private_key*r)) % q
return (r, s)
def verify(message, signature, public_key, parameters):
p, q, g = parameters
r, s = signature
if 0 < r < q and 0 < s < q:
w = inverse(s, q)
Hm = int(sha512(message.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), 16)
u1 = (Hm * w) % q
u2 = (r * w) % q
v = ( (pow(g, u1, p) * pow(public_key, u2, p)) % p ) % q
if v == r:
print(f"[+] Valid signature")
return True
print("[!] Invalid signature")
return False
parameters = domain_params_generation()
p, q, g = parameters
keys = key_generation(p, q, g)
x, y = keys
print("===================================== Let's signup ==========================================")
with open('./messages', 'r') as o:
messages = o.readlines()
for message in messages:
message = message.rstrip()
print(f"message : {message}")
signature = sign(message, x, parameters)
r, s = signature
print(f"signature: {signature}")
# verify(message, signature, y, parameters)
key = long_to_bytes(x)
ctf = repeating_xor_key(flag, key)
print("[+] Cipher Text Flag (CTF) : ")
Moreover, we have the output of the script (output.txt
[+] q condition is satisfied : 256 bit
[+] p condition is satisfied : 2048 bit
[+] g condition is satisfied
[+] public key : 10301551349126329107088362265646928131049491442403482867496980836175873288506342576259707854365987702240527285572213439531723683002024146579359208402373918640506155640001430423630072829735081526301031527635977510509965942632354962864260004282149309957641462890526767244115715946314304320419688533957853639652278917522214541525010449214567907170562229712395613781822381944931215562795920884762599015541122869232934183665333423423899053585371134224417264749221110182731383922695086302701203378645475314119934887765168566160180674997559835947912322992312116118206408320274722250233256553213251576546136974127152356743543
===================================== Let's signup ==========================================
message : AUSSMKJVUNUPKBQ9X10U15409YQT79I6XNF7U0K5YI1568Q42L
signature: (56550035924113170505830328735387144247082155512866957659656089559388264283806, 81360207435150401587545818478565496253332501404776627654827674339875574853292)
signature: (59454243776673042612495706274074683779593162173045377254234644102590461254174, 69901126149177379418089041430016833757460549835486806478242279543570064790515)
signature: (23656285267672134853079913256893925874990475097287627360940184092061316722900, 60259462838850060842954111630590641393950384980094248092524544563470754722439)
signature: (4221419519268981734259482267401150235000986484722820856700522542664903741971, 39042686015475285979469968400043348530602713981922607759813976003431964156934)
[+] Cipher Text Flag (CTF) :
We have some parameters for a Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) implementation, a long list of messages and signatures and finally the encrypted flag. The flag is encrypted using XOR and the DSA private key $x$.
DSA implementation
The code for the DSA is correct (more information here):
- It generates prime numbers $p$ and $q$ (such that $p = mq + 1$ for some integer $m$)
- Then public values $g$ and $y$
- And private values $k$ and $x$
In order to sign messages, it uses SHA512 as hash function and computes:
$$ r = g^k \mod{q} $$
$$ s = \left(\mathrm{SHA512}{(m)} + x \cdot r\right) \cdot k^{-1} \mod{q} $$
And the output is the pair $(r, s)$.
Helper functions
First of all, we can use this Python script to parse the contents of output.txt
def get_number(pattern: str, res: str) -> int:
return int(re.findall(pattern, res)[0])
def main():
with open('output.txt') as o:
res =
q = get_number(r'\[\+\] q condition is satisfied : 256 bit\n(\d+)', res)
p = get_number(r'\[\+\] p condition is satisfied : 2048 bit\n(\d+)', res)
g = get_number(r'\[\+\] g condition is satisfied \n(\d+)', res)
y = get_number(r'\[\+\] public key : (\d+)', res)
m_i = re.findall(r'message : (.+)', res)
signatures = re.findall(r'signature: \((\d+?), (\d+?)\)', res)
signatures = list(map(lambda s: list(map(int, s)), signatures))
r_i = list(map(lambda rs: rs[0], signatures))
s_i = list(map(lambda rs: rs[1], signatures))
ctf = re.findall(r'\[\+\] Cipher Text Flag \(CTF\) : \n(.+)', res)[0]
ctf = bytes.fromhex(ctf)
The security flaw
DSA can be compromised when the nonce values are not chosen randomly or they are used more than once. This time we have a total of 100 messages and signatures. However, if we list the number of distint values of $r_i$, we have 99 (we are very lucky, since $k$ nonces are taken from getRandomRange
print(f'{len(r_i) = }, {len(set(r_i)) = }')
same_k = (-1, -1)
$ python3
len(r_i) = 100, flen(set(r_i)) = 99
Since $r_i = g^{k_i} \mod{q}$, if $r_i = r_j$, then $k_i = k_j$, because $2 \leqslant k_i < q$. So, there is one pair that reuses the same nonce $k$. Let’s find it:
same_k = (-1, -1)
for i, r in enumerate(r_i):
if r in r_i[i + 1:]:
same_k = (i, r_i.index(r, i + 1))
print(f'{same_k = }')
$ python3
len(r_i) = 100, len(set(r_i)) = 99
same_k = (29, 74)
So, we have message $m_{29}$ with signature $(r, s_{29})$ and message $m_{74}$ with signature $(r, s_{74})$, where $r = g^k \mod{q}$.
Therefore, we have
$$ \begin{cases} s_{29} = \left(\mathrm{SHA512}{(m_{29})} + x \cdot r\right) \cdot k^{-1} \mod{q} \\ s_{74} = \left(\mathrm{SHA512}{(m_{74})} + x \cdot r\right) \cdot k^{-1} \mod{q} \end{cases} $$
If we subtract both equations, we get
$$ s_{29} - s_{74} = \left(\mathrm{SHA512}{(m_{29})} - \mathrm{SHA512}{(m_{74})}\right) \cdot k^{-1} \mod{q} $$
So we can find $k^{-1}$ as follows
$$ k^{-1} = (s_{29} - s_{74}) \cdot \left(\mathrm{SHA512}{(m_{29})} - \mathrm{SHA512}{(m_{74})}\right)^{-1} \mod{q} $$
Then $k = \left(k^{-1}\right)^{-1} \mod{q}$. And once we have $k$, we are able to find $x$:
$$ x = \left(s_{29} \cdot k - \mathrm{SHA512}{(m_{74})}\right) \cdot r^{-1} \mod{q} $$
Python implementation
Let’s program the above equations in Python:
m29, r, s29 = m_i[same_k[0]], r_i[same_k[0]], s_i[same_k[0]]
m74, r, s74 = m_i[same_k[1]], r_i[same_k[1]], s_i[same_k[1]]
k_inv = (s29 - s74) * pow(h(m29) - h(m74), -1, q) % q
k = pow(k_inv, -1, q)
x = (s29 * k - h(m29)) * pow(r, -1, q) % q
print(f'{x = }')
key = long_to_bytes(x)
flag = repeating_xor_key(ctf, key)
If we run the script, we will find the flag:
$ python3
len(r_i) = 100, len(set(r_i)) = 99
same_k = (29, 74)
You did a shared and known job, here is the flag :
best wishes good luck!!
The full script can be found in here: