4 minutes to read
Is this what people mean by “message blinding”?
Challenge contributed by CryptoHack
Challenge files:
Source code analysis
We are given a large SageMath script that uses ECDSA to sign the key to encrypt the flag (actually, a key used to derive an AES key with bcrypt.kdf
def encrypt_flag():
k = secrets.token_bytes(k2//8)
key = bcrypt.kdf(k, b"ICC_CHALLENGE", 16, 31337)
cipher =, AES.MODE_CTR, nonce=b"")
with open("flag.txt", "rb") as f:
flag =
return k, cipher.encrypt(flag)
So, the value k
in the above function is _k
in main
, and it is signed with ECDSA, where $x$ is the private key and $Y = -x \cdot G$ is the public key ($G$ is a generator point of the elliptic curve):
def main():
Y, x = keygen()
_k, ct = encrypt_flag()
print(f"Y = {to_twistededwards(*Y.xy())}")
print(f"ct = {ct.hex()}")
sigs = []
sigs.append(sign(_k, x))
for _ in range(10000 - 1):
sigs.append((secrets.token_bytes((k1 + k2)//8).hex(), secrets.randbelow(p)))
Appart from this signature (r, z
), we have 9999 random values that are there to hide this signature. Our objective is to find the signature among the random values and determine _k
to decrypt the flag.
The signature algorithm works as follows:
def sign(m, x):
m1 = F1(m) + xor(F2(F1(m)), m)
ω = secrets.randbelow(p)
r = xor(int((ω * G)[0]).to_bytes((k1 + k2)//8, "big"), m1)
c = int.from_bytes(H(r), "big")
z = (ω + c * x) % p
return (r.hex(), z)
The message m
is hashed with some functions and the output is m1
. Then, a random number $\omega$ is computed and $r$ is just the XOR between $(\omega \cdot G)_\mathrm{x}$ and m1
as bytes. After that, $c$ is the output of another hash function and $z = \omega + c \cdot x \mod{p}$, where $x$ is the private key and $p$ is the order of $G$.
The hash functions are these ones:
F1 = lambda x: Hash(x, k2, k1, b"1")
F2 = lambda x: Hash(x, k1, k2, b"2")
H = lambda x: Hash(x, k1+k2, k, b"H")
All of them depend on this Hash
def Hash(x, nin, n, div):
assert nin % 8 == n % 8 == 0
nin //= 8
n //= 8
assert len(x) == nin
r = b""
i = 0
while len(r) < n:
r += hashlib.sha256(x + b"||" + div + int(i).to_bytes(8, "big")).digest()
i += 1
return r[:n]
Moreover, we know that k1 = 320
and k2 = 128
Imagine that we have the valid signature. Then, we have $r$ and $z$. Since we have $r$, we can compute $c$, because c = int.from_bytes(H(r), "big")
. And we also know that $z = \omega + c \cdot x \mod{p}$. Here, we don’t know $\omega$ and $x$, but we know the public key of ECDSA: $Y = -x \cdot G$. So, if we multiply by $G$ (signature verification), we get:
$$ \begin{align*} z = \omega + c \cdot x \mod{p} & \iff z \cdot G = \omega \cdot G + c \cdot x \cdot G \\ & \iff z \cdot G = \omega \cdot G - c \cdot Y \\ & \iff \omega \cdot G = z \cdot G + c \cdot Y \end{align*} $$
So we have the value of $\omega \cdot G$. We are interested in $(\omega \cdot G)_\mathrm{x}$ because
r = xor(int((ω * G)[0]).to_bytes((k1 + k2)//8, "big"), m1)
Therefore, we can easily find m1
. Then, recall that
m1 = F1(m) + xor(F2(F1(m)), m)
which is just a string contatenation. Hence, we can easily identify F1(m)
and xor(F2(F1(m)), m)
. It is easy to compute F2(F1(m))
because we have F1(m)
, and thus we can find m
because we know F2(F1(m))
and xor(F2(F1(m)), m)
As a result, we have a way to get the key _k
provided that we know the valid r, z
Now, we need a way to tell if the _k
is correct or not. One way would be deriving the key with bcrypt.kdf
and trying to decrypt the flag with AES, but it will take a lot of time since bcrypt.kdf
is very slow.
Another way to see if _k
is correct is to compute F1(_k)
and compare it with the value F1(_k)
found previously. If it matches, then everyting is correct.
Another nuance, the elliptic curve of the challenge is given in Twisted Edwards form, and we must convert it to Weierstrass form. This is just a non-sense conversion, but the challenge requires so. Plus, we are given functions to convert from one form to the other, so there is no difficulty on this.
After a bit of time, the script will show the flag:
$ sage solve.sage
The full script can be found in here: solve.sage