<- HTB


42 minutes to read

Hack The Box. Linux. Insane machine. This machine exposes a web application that allows to create custom domains with HTML code. Moreover, there is a Docker registry exposed where we can download Docker image blobs after getting a suitable JWT token. The web application is running a WAR file with Tomcat, we can decompile it and see that it queries a RMI server. Since Tomcat is behind an nginx reverse proxy, we can access some sensitive Tomcat servlets to modify our session and set manager permissions on the web application. We need this to modify the RMI configuration using a mass assignment vulnerability and point the RMI server to us. After that, we can exploit an insecure deserialization vulnerability in Java to get RCE in a container. Then, we can interact with the legitimate RMI server using port forwarding. This server allows us to read arbitrary files with a directory traversal attack. We can find a plaintext password for user developer, which is reused in SSH. Then, root is executing a JAR file to analyze files of the hosting website by sending them to a ClamAV server. The problem here is that the JAR calls functions from the RMI register, which is restarted periodically. Therefore, we can craft a malicious RMI registry and exploit win a race condition to take the port, so that root queries our malicious registry and talks to our fake ClamAV server. The result is that all files at /root will be quarantined inside a readable directory, which leads to the privilege escalation