Newsletter 16/10/2023

This machine has a website with an API that is vulnerable to second-order SQLi. Then, there is an authentication mechanism that just requires the password hash, so we can take a hash from the dumped database and log in as an administrator. Then, there is a vulnerability involving PHP and ImageMagick that leads to RCE. Once in the machine, we can pivot to user greg
by analyzing a Git repository and finding plaintext credentials. After that, we are allowed to run a custom binary that hashes a given length of a file and compares the result with a set of pre-computed MD5 hashes. This binary has a capability that allows to read files as root
, which can be used to extract all the contents of any file after automating the process, which allows to read an SSH private key for root

Key written in a binary. Bypassing with GDB

Flask. Server-Side Template Injection. RCE

Node.js. JWT. Prototype Pollution

RSA. Euler totient function

RSA. Quaternions. GCD

Directory Traversal. Symbolic links. File descriptors

64-bit binary. Buffer Overflow. ROP

. RSA. CBC mode

Shamir Secret Sharing. Lagrange interpolation. Chinese Remainder Theorem. multiprocessing

Padding Oracle Attack. Custom padding. Guessing