Newsletter 28/11/2023

This machine has a website that allows to encrypt, decrypt and verify signatures using PGP. The website is vulnerable to SSTI in Flask, which is the way to access the machine as atlas
. However, this environment is limited due to firejail
, but we are able to find a plaintext password to login as silentobserver
in SSH. As this user, we are able to modify a Rust project that is used in another Rust project that runs periodically as atlas
. With this power, we can get access as atlas
again, but outside firejail
. Finally, since firejail
is a SUID binary, we can use a public exploit to become root

ERC-721. ECDSA signature malleability

Smart Contract method call. Wrong parameter verification

AES CBC. Bit Flipping Attack. XOR

AES CTR. Stream cipher. XOR

Git enumeration. Base64 encoding

Bash. Base64